St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). WCEA accredits Catholic elementary and secondary schools in nine western states (26 (arch) dioceses) and the US Territory of Guam. WCEA co-accredits and is in partnership with three Regional agencies (WASC, NAAS, NCA CASI) and two private agencies (CAIS and HAIS). WCEA began in 1957 in San Francisco and has a long and successful history of assisting school improvement through the accreditation process. St. Vincent's was accredited in 2010, 2016 and in 2024.
Western Catholic Educational Association
Site Visiting Team’s Summary Thoughts (2024)
The Visiting Committee commends the Principal, Leadership Team, Faculty, and Staff of St Vincent de Paul School for the efforts on which they embarked to complete their Self-Study and EIP. They thoughtfully and methodically analyzed their program and honestly evaluated their progress. They are aware of their successes as well as their areas for growth. We found the faculty and staff to be faith-filled and committed to their vocation as Catholic educators. Each staff member exudes positivity and a solid work ethic, and each is open to change. St. Vincent de Paul School is fully embraced by a wonderful Priest Administrator, a dedicated School Commission, and a supportive parent community. As partners in a common mission, we, the Visiting Committee, wish them well on their journey, and we pray for their success.