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As a student...
I have the right to be happy, to express myself and to be treated with understanding in this school.
I have the responsibility not to laugh at others or to hurt their feelings.

I have the right to be safe in this school.
I have the responsibility to keep my hands and feet to myself and to follow school rules.

I have the right to hear and to be heard in this school.
I have the responsibility to listen to others and wait my turn to be heard.

I have the right to quiet time to learn and study in this school.
I have the responsibility to be respectful of other peoples’ quiet time and to complete my assignments.

I have the right to use learning materials.
I have the responsibility to respect property and materials.

I have the right to enjoy playing safely on the playground.
I have the responsibility to follow school and safety rules on the playground.

It is the student's responsibility to participate in the educational program of the school, to help maintain an orderly learning environment throughout the school, and to deprive in no way other students of their right to an education. In order to accomplish this, the student must observe the following standards of behavior:
     1. Modeling Christ’s teachings about love for one’s neighbor in all interactions.
     2. Arriving at school on time.
     3. Obeying school rules, including:
            ● abiding by the Uniform Policy.
            ● walking in the halls and on the stairs.
                ● playing in assigned playground areas.
            ● walking bikes on the playground.
            ● never leaving the school grounds without written permission from a parent/guardian and the principal. 
     4. Behaving in a respectful and friendly manner toward all school personnel, volunteers and any visitors.
     5. Respecting all property, including books, desks, bathrooms, school buildings and playgrounds.
     6. Refusing to support disrespectful behavior in other students.
     7. Coming to class prepared with necessary supplies.
     8. Using acceptable and appropriate language.
     9. Acting honestly.

Open House