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A lasting gift for Catholic education ...

Few efforts are more important for the future well being of the Church, and of the nation, than efforts expended in the work of education.” John Paul II

Parishioners may have noticed a yellow envelope that is included in their monthly church offering packet. These envelopes are used to make monthly contributions to the St Vincent de Paul School Endowment Fund. The following information provides some answers to commonly asked questions about the endowment and its overall purpose.

Please consider a gift to the Endowment to give Back to St. Vincent's and future students!

Donate to The Saint Vincent de Paul Endowment


Donate to The Father Thomas Vandenberg Fund


Endowment Annual Report 2021

What is an endowment?

The Endowment is a fund whose principle is never spent. Gifts to the St. Vincent de Paul School Endowment are held in perpetuity and become a permanent investment in Catholic education at St Vincent’s. The contributions are then invested, and the income earned provides a source of funds for generations of students to come.

What is the purpose of the endowment?

The purpose of the endowment is to provide an annual stream of funds available for tuition assistance to parish families.

Where do we stand now?

The endowment was established in 2004, and through the generous contributions from the St. Vincent’s Community, currently has a value of over $960,000.

Where do we need to be?

The value of the endowment must reach $1,000,000 before the income from the invested funds can be used. Once the value of the endowment reaches $1,000,000 the fund could provide approximately $50,000 in tuition assistance on an annual basis, all while keeping the principal value intact.

How can I give?

The simplest way to give to the endowment is a direct gift of money, real estate, stocks, or bonds. Another method is a deferred gift through a will, trust, or life insurance policy. All donations are tax-deductible; please consult your tax or legal advisor about these and other methods to give to the Endowment.

Please consider a contribution to the St Vincent de Paul School Endowment Fund on a monthly or annual basis. Your desire to leave a legacy for future students will give you the knowledge that your gift will provide perpetual support for Catholic education at St. Vincent’s.

What tuition assistance has meant to some of the fathers and mothers of our children....

"During a time of financial difficulty, words cannot express the relief, gratitude and peace of mind that it brought knowing that my child's education was assured."

       - Father of a St. Vincent Student

"Because of tuition assistance, our children are blessed with and education grounded in our catholic faith. As parents, we are overwhelmed with gratitude and peace that our children are afforded the opportunity to blossom in the St. Vincent de Paul community of caring teachers, staff and families."

      - Mother of a St. Vincent Student

"Our children have been truly blessed by being able to attend a school that supports our beliefs. Tuition assistance has made this possible."

      - Mother of a St. Vincent Student

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