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Raffle tickets are usually ordered at the beginning of October for sales through early January. The raffle drawing is held during the 1st night of State of the school meeting(s) in February. The 1st place cash prize is $1250, 2nd place is $750, 3rd place is $500 and (2), 4th place winner of $250 each. Parents receive $.75 fundraising credit for each $1 ticket sold.
The annual auction is our largest fundraising event of the year. The auction is two event fundraiser; the week of the auction, we have a family night silent auction on Thursday evening and the gala dinner oral auction is held on Saturday evening. The auction is usually held in March or April. 
Fundraising dollars may be earned by procuring items, trips, dinners, or activities to be sold at the auction. Fundraising credit is given for the dollar amount the procurements sell for at the auction. Procuring sponsorships is another way to earn credit, and cash donations are also accepted.
It takes many volunteers to make this event possible. To volunteer, contact Miel Delos Reyes. Check the Auction page for update on the upcoming auction.
Coffee for a Cause

Caffe D'arte has partnered with St. Vincent de Paul School for this delicious fundraiser. Each box of coffee is $10 with 50% of all proceeds going to our general operating budget. Order Here!

RaiseRight /Scrip Program

Fundraising has never been easier! By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses.  Get started by downloading the RaiseRight app on your phone or go to on your computer. You can also visit the office to purchase RaiseRight gift cards. 

How does RaiseRight Program work?

When you purchase gift cards through the Raise Right app or from the office, retailers automatically donate a specified rebate percentage back to St. Vincent de Paul School.

For example, if you purchase gift cards for everyday items (such as groceries, gas, fast food, etc.), you easily earn rebates toward your Raise Right fundraising commitment.


$100 QFC/Fred Meyer gift card = $5 rebate (5%)

$100 Macy’s gift card = $10 (10%)

$50 Five Restaurant gift card = $8.50 (17%)

$50 Double DD gift card = $10 rebate (20%)

$5 Brown Bear Car Wash ticket = $2.50 rebate (50%)

  • If you are new to RaiseRight, please contact the office to get the enrollment code. 


Open House