Volunteer Opportunities
The faculty and staff are grateful for the time volunteers are able to spend at our St. Vincent de Paul School. Your willingness to share both your time and talent has had a profound and lasting impact. Volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul School are essential in helping to fulfill our mission of being a faith-centered Catholic school that promotes academic achievement and spiritual development for our students and families. Every year, parents and other volunteers spend hundreds of hours of their time making sure that ongoing needs such as setting up the lunchroom or assisting on the playground and special events such as the auction are fully staffed.
Volunteer Commitment
You can make a difference in the life of a child, including your own, by VOLUNTEERING. We ask that all families give a time commitment of 35 hours of service time (17.5 for single parents) to the school and parish. Hours can be recorded on the form sent in the communication envelope. A link is also provided in the menu to the right.
Please note that all volunteers are required to have completed the following:
- Background check
- Archdiocese of Seattle’s Safe Environment Program Training/Update
- Signed Volunteer Agreement.
Why Volunteer?
Be part of the school community. Be active in your child’s education. Be supportive of the teachers and staff.
How to Volunteer?
There are many volunteer opportunities at St. Vincent de Paul. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, the items listed below. Contact information is given for most.
Volunteer Opportunities
2024 Auction Volunteer Sign-up Form
Safe Environment Program Training
Safe Environment Requirements Form
Volunteer Agreement
Church Personnel Agreement
Monthly Service Timesheet
Reimbursement Form