Dear Parents and Students,
As a Catholic school, we are here not only to provide quality education but also to provide an environment where Gospel values are modeled and expected. At a Principals Meeting a few years ago, I was presented with a special poster which I had framed and hung in the school office. Many parents and visitors comment on it each year. It states simply why we are here; it reads –
Be it known to all who enter here that
Jesus is the reason for this school.
He is the unseen yet ever present
teacher in its classes.
He is the model of its faculty
and the inspiration of its students.
With this at the heart of our school, you can see why we assume that if you are sending your children to St. Vincent’s you want more for them than just a solid academic education. We assume you want your children to experience and learn about our Catholic faith and traditions. As the primary educators of your children, you must model and reinforce what we teach at school if our beliefs are to have real meaning in your children’s life. This implies you have a responsibility to take your children to Mass and practice living your faith. There’s much more to living our faith than just attending school.
I encourage you, as parents, to take advantage of the faith educational opportunities provided by our parish this year. Enrich your own faith as much as possible. Let your children see that you are growing in your faith, and let them see you pray often.
We hope you will find this Parent and Student Handbook helpful during the year. It contains essential information about St. Vincent de Paul School, and it is important for you to know that it is part of your school contract. It is expected that each student and parent/guardian make a sincere effort to comply with the regulations and support the Catholic nature of our school. We have included the goals and core values along with mission, philosophy and vision statements. Please read and review the handbook carefully with your child/children, and then sign and return the signature card.
Teachers have been working throughout the month of August in order to be ready for the first day of school. Their enthusiasm is contagious! All we need to make the school come alive is children!
By working together, we can provide the best possible learning environment for our children. Let’s make this another great year at St. Vincent’s!
With my love and prayers,
Wanda Stewart