Learning Disabilities and Special Needs
At St. Vincent’s we have or have had students who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, language processing deficiencies, hearing loss, Tourette Syndrome, oppositional-defiant disorder, oral motor apraxia, gross/minor motor delays, specific learning disabilities, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and short term memory deficits. We also have students with medical concerns such as asthma, arthritis, acid reflux, diabetes, and allergies.
If teachers recommend testing or if you are considering having your child tested for any learning disability, please check with our principal. Mrs. Stewart can discuss testing options with you. Students attending our school may be tested through their public school district, or parents may opt for private testing. There is no cost to parents for public school evaluations, and Mrs. Stewart has references for private testing. She also has several school parents who are willing to discuss options “parent to parent.” We feel it is always better to check out any learning difficulties when a child isn‘t progressing academically or socially as we would expect, rather than wait and risk the child becoming further behind in the learning/social process.