The Annual Fund campaign was established in 2010. The sole purpose of the campaign is to provide need-based tuition assistance to parish families attending St Vincent de Paul School, now and in the future. We believe that every parish family that desires a first-class Catholic education for their children should be provided the opportunity to attend our Parish school, regardless of financial need.
Questions? Contact the Advancement Office.
Phone 253-839-3532 or mail to 30527 8th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003
What is the Annual Fund?
The Annual Fund is a yearly fundraising campaign designed to meet the current and future tuition assistance needs of our parish families. Up to 50% of all contributions to the Annual Fund will be directed to the Principal’s Tuition Assistance Fund in order to meet current tuition assistance needs. The balance (at least 50%) will be directed to the permanent Endowment Fund to meet future tuition assistance needs.
What about the Endowment?
Although the Endowment will someday provide a stream of tuition assistance revenue, the value of the endowment has not reached the self imposed goal of $1,000,000 in endowed funds required before the income from the investment will be drawn upon. This means there is currently no tuition assistance provided by the Endowment. The Annual Fund will bridge this gap by continuing to build the Endowment while simultaneously addressing current tuition assistance needs.
Who contributes to the Annual Fund?
We all do. The philanthropic support of St Vincent’s current and past parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and the overall St Vincent de Paul Parish community is essential for the school to continue its mission of educating the whole child through a loving, supportive environment, high academic standards, and traditional Catholic values.
Ways to give:
There are a variety of ways to support the Annual Fund
· Outright gifts by cash, check, or credit card.
· Pledges / Letters of Intent
· Matching Gifts
· Gifts of Stock or Appreciated Securities
· Planned Gifts Through Wills and Trusts
We ask you to join us in supporting Catholic education at St Vincent’s. It is our goal to ensure that no child is denied a Catholic education in our Parish School due to lack of family finances. Please make a commitment today.